Background story
My father-in-law, Vadim Levinzon, has been trying to locate his long lost relatives. His father Hershko (Gershon) had several brothers and sisters. We know for sure that he had at least 2 sisters and 2 brothers. The family lived in village Osovetz near town of Drogichin in Poland. Hershko was born around 1916, he was the youngest child.
Pictured is the Levinson family. We are not certain of the names of the brothers and sisters. Left to right front row: Hershko, father (Yankel), mother(Feiga) Back row: Rivka (Rebecca or Ruth), Avraam, Sheina, Yakov
Hershko's sisters moved to America sometime in the 30's and we are trying to find their families. We are not even sure of their names, we know one was named Sheina and one probably Rivka (Rebekkah). We know that one married someone by the name of Levin or Levy, perhaps named Joe. We think that they might have lived in Chicago. Hershko corresponded with the sisters in 1966-1970. We have some of the photos they sent him. The photos were taken in Nanjemoy, Maryland and some in Savannah, Georgia.
Summary of what we know

Hershko's sisters moved to America sometime in the 30's and we are trying to find their families. We are not even sure of their names, we know one was named Sheina and one probably Rivka (Rebekkah). We know that one married someone by the name of Levin or Levy, perhaps named Joe. We think that they might have lived in Chicago. Hershko corresponded with the sisters in 1966-1970. We have some of the photos they sent him. The photos were taken in Nanjemoy, Maryland and some in Savannah, Georgia.
Summary of what we know
- Hershko Levinson born in 1916 in Osovitz
- two older sisters Sheina and Ruth (Rebekkah) moved to America in 1930's
- Ruta married Joe Levin
- Sheina lived in Chicago
- Ruta lived in Savannah, GA
- Sisters corresponded with Hershko Levinson 1966-1970, until Soviet regime shut correspondence down
- Hershko had a friend named Joseph Feldman, who also lived in Chicago and kept in touch
- Ruta had a granddaughter named Haya
- Ruta had at least one son - father of Haya
- Haya was possibly a student at a college in Swainsboro, GA
- Ruta had a daughter named Egudes (Judith)
- Ruta had a daughter India
- Ruta's youngest granddaughter was named Zlata

Ruth Levin with her family

two sisters in Chicago at Feiga's house.

Joann with her husband
I am one of you relatives as well. My wife, Pamela (the red head) was with you at Savannah Beach in February. I am Irving and Phyllis's son. I am 51 years old and am Sherri and Harriet's brother. I live in Orlando and practice orthodontics. I would live to meet you someday Maybe you would like to come visit us in Orlando. Let us know. My email is
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