Yizkor Book

Jewish books of dead are maintained for villages and cities wiped out by nazis. From this yizkor book we were able to find out about Levinzon family members that died in Drogichin, this was sent in by Ruta Levin, one of the sisters we are trying to locate.
This is the entry in the book:
An eternal memorial to my dear
Mother Feiga-Zissel Levinson (60)
Sister Chana (32), Tzvia,
husband Feivel Gurvitz
Sister's children: Natan (8) and Yaakov (10)
Brothers: Yisrael 27, Avraham 25, Levinson
All perished. May G-d avenge their blood!
Gershon Levinson
Disappeared in Russia
All were from Osevetz
Ruta Levin (Savannah)
We can gather a few new things from this. We learn the brothers names: Israel, and Avraham and two sisters that we do not know about. Interesting that Ruta at this point does not know where Gershon is. We do think that she is the one that corresponded with him in the 1960's. We of course know Gershon's story well, since he is our grandfather.
The same page also mentions that Hershko sent a letter to Joseph Feldman in May of 1941 and we can see the stamps from the envelope in this image. I guess at this time Poland was occupied and thus the nazi stamps. Strange to imagine that letters were still getting through to America.
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