Silver Meteor

I asked myself afterwards if driving 9 hours would have been better. I still stand by my original claim, that 11 hours of relative uncomfort in a train is better than 9 hours of driving.
The make up of passengers surprised me. The train was relatively full with the conductor assigning seats to people when they arrived and he found out their destination. I think they were arranging people in such a way as to not wake up those who are going to Miami before they needed too. So when it was our time to get off they could turn on the light in the otherwise dark train, as most of the passengers in our car were going to Savannah or Charleston.
Most of passengers were black. Not poor black, but lower to middle class black. I do not think these were people that could not afford Southwest fare to Miami, i think they were there by choice. If this Silver Meteor train had the kind of service you get on Acela trains, I would travel this way in a heartbeat.

The advantages to me were: I could cancel at any time before travel.
Advance fair gives lower prices and anything before 3 days- is advanced, as opposed to 21 or 14 days for air travel.
We left the house 50 before departure time and we had 20 minutes to kill once we were on the train. There was no security or lines.
Trains have power plugs and you can occasionally get out and stretch your legs. The whole trip had a very lazy feeling to it, as opposed to high stress mood that aiports bring out in people.

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